Monday, March 26, 2012

The Detox Therapy Session w Paul Komarek

Next on the Detox Therapy Session:
95.7 FM
Independent radio in Cincinnati, Ohio

Paul Komarek: author, consultant and educator who has worked on tough social problems for over 30 years. He has worked for the Social Security Administration, Catholic Social Services, and the Urban League. His clients have included YMCA of Greater Cincinnati, Joseph House for Homeless Veterans, Collaborative Law Center, the Center for Mediation of Disputes, Envision Learning Center, HOPE4CHANGE Business Development Center, and Cincinnati College Preparatory Academy. His training program, "Working with People with Mental Illness in the Criminal Justice System," has been presented in courts and jails across Ohio, and has become mandatory training for deputy jailers in Kentucky. In 2010-2011 he led a local planning initiative aimed at creating a system of volunteer-delivered mediation and restorative justice programs to divert misdemeanor cases from court. His book Defying Mental Illness: Finding Recovery with Community Resources and Family Support, has been drawing 5-star reviews on Learn more about Paul Komarek at Follow Paul Komarek on Twitter @pkomarek

Educators, Youth coordinators, Soc.svc prov. and Community Ldrs

Calling all Educators, Youth program coordinators, Social service providers and Community Leaders to the free Get Off ME! Showcase happening at 1:00 PM, on March 31, 2012 at the Lion of Judah Christian Center. 4400 Hamilton Avenue in Northside, Ohio. We will be showcasing our one hour workshop designed to encourage and empower at risk youth/young adults who are, or, have been victims of sexual abuse. Our primary objective is to inform and remind our youth that they have a Voice through spoken word poetry, story-telling and drama.

Perhaps what we’re doing is neither new nor innovative.  Perhaps you’ve already had the talk about ‘good touch’ vs. ‘bad touch’ or maybe you’re comfortable in holding fast to the belief that, “I am NOT my brother’s keeper.” Or maybe you don’t know any children so the breaking news of: ‘High school teacher has sex with student’, ‘Eighteen year old reports being assaulted on campus’, ‘Sex slave trafficking in the US is on the rise’, ‘Another Hollywood celebrity reveals shocking truth about childhood abuse’ or ‘Young woman shot and killed because she finally decided to tell her mother that the father of her child, is actually the mother’s boyfriend’, maybe these breaking news updates don’t bother you at all but there are a few people out here who would like to try and make a difference.

Second to parents, educators have the most contact with our children…so we need you. Those who oversee our youth during extra-curricular activities, (sports, girl/boy scouts, visual/performing arts, youth leadership programs, ect… we need you. Abuse is not deterred by one’s religious affiliation and neither are we, so to all religious youth leaders, youth choir directors and what not…we need you. College (health and safety, fraternity, sorority, student union or community outreach) leaders…we need you.

Local social service agencies; you are hereby put on notice. What happens if the message, (G.O.ME!) gets out and suddenly a wave of youth and young adults feel empowered and begin to flood your phone lines for help? G.O.ME! will encourage them to speak up and speak out and seek ‘Professional’ assistance. That’s where you come in. Someone suggested to me that they would inform the child to first tell the parent(s). Suppose the parent is responsible for the abuse? Then what? That’s why, WE NEED YOU.

Again, this is a FREE event and refreshments will be provided by the Leading Ladies Christian Ministry. Who are the ‘Leading Ladies’? Remember that old lady in your neighborhood or in your church when you were little that told everything you did? The one who would come outside in that tattered robe and break up fights, drag you by the ear and give you a spanking all the way home then tell your parents where you were, what you were doing, why she spanked you and then invite your mother to her church revival? The same lady who made sure you had a quarter to put in the collection plate right before she threatened to hit you upside the head for not paying attention in church? The same lady who cooked and delivered chicken noodle soup to your family when everybody got sick? Reminded you that it wasn’t safe to play in the street? Gave you money and a card when you finally graduated from school…then gave you a little extra when she found out that you were going to college? Well, she’s back with reinforcements. These ladies are committed in their faith and believe in charity. Sort of like Mary and Martha; they love God but don’t expect them to just sit around and do nothing.

Not too late to register via
See you on the 31st!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Greg Stallworth and I often have to remind one another to remember just WHY we’re doing this. And in doing so, occasionally we have to remind one another that we have to have thick skin. That there are times when dealing with such a sensitive issue, we let all of our guards down and are completely vulnerable. Well, during the course of sending out invitations I got an email from an educator that I respect highly. It was a reply to the G.O.ME! Reminder that simply said, “Unsubscribe”. Initially I was puzzled but I was having such a good day with my daughter that I tried not to think much of it so I responded by saying, “Thank you. Will do”.  Then I completely deleted the individual from my list of contacts. I thought, man, how could you not want to be a part of a message that solicits to encourage and empower our youth to speak up for themselves? As an educator in the public school system, how dare you?! Then my daughter went to sleep and in the stillness of things I was reminded of several, very important insights: I don’t know what everyone else is going through or has been through. Not only children but adults are trying to recover from a barrage of issues and perhaps traumatic experiences that may haunt them to this very day. I was reminded of the time my mother told me when I was a very young man, “Baby, this is America. People have the right and the freedom to do, say and think what choose. Period”. Then I was reminded that no matter what anybody else does, thinks or feels, I need to and will be challenged to re-think and examine again my own motives to ensure myself that I’m being, (to the best of my ability), true to my own inner voice. I thought about that and I thought about some child, right now, crying on the outside while dying on the inside because he/she is on the verge of being assaulted again and no one has shared a word of empowerment, letting them know that it is their right, their prerogative, their inherent, irrevocable choice to exclaim, “Get Off ME!”
How selfish and petty am I to have my feelings hurt by, “Unsubscribe”?
Later I received another email from that same educator that I respect so highly. It said, and I’m paraphrasing,
“Thanks for doing what you’re doing. Going through some things and can only handle so much right now”.
Wow. Please forgive me. I’m sorry. Like a small child to a music box w/o batteries; how often are we too quick to throw away a blessing because it won’t play for us Right Now?
I Need ALL my contacts.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The G.O.ME! Showcase will start at 1PM on March 31st and for you historians who plan to attend, (2) fiftten minute tours of the Historic Lion Of Judah Christian Center will take place starting at 12:25. Located at 4400 Hamilton Ave in beautiful Northside, Ohio and only 3 occupants in it's one hundred years of exixtance. Designed by Glen Parker and inspired by his love for ballroom dancing, the 2nd floor boasts a beautiful dome ceiling. It is said to have been home to The Knights of Columbus and a well known Cincinnatian who prefers not to be identified. If the faint sounds of music boxes and toy trains fills the back hallway, dont call Ghostbusters. Someone collected these elaborate items and used the center for storage...once upon a time. See you there

Thursday, March 1, 2012

G.O.ME Showcase

Get Off ME Showcase in 30 days, March 31st at Lion of Judah. Showcase to feature Cincinncti, OH actors, poets and story-tellers addressing the issue of child sex abuse in a Free one hour workshop. Register at