Calling all
Educators, Youth program coordinators, Social service providers and Community Leaders
to the free
Get Off ME! Showcase happening at 1:00
PM, on March
31, 2012 at the Lion of Judah Christian Center. 4400 Hamilton
Avenue in Northside, Ohio. We will be showcasing our one hour workshop designed
to encourage and empower at risk youth/young adults who are, or, have been
victims of sexual abuse. Our primary objective is to inform and remind our
youth that they have a Voice through spoken word poetry, story-telling and
Perhaps what
we’re doing is neither new nor innovative. Perhaps you’ve already had the talk about ‘good
touch’ vs. ‘bad touch’ or maybe you’re comfortable in holding fast to the
belief that, “I am NOT my brother’s keeper.” Or maybe you don’t know any
children so the breaking news of: ‘High school teacher
has sex with student’, ‘Eighteen year old
reports being assaulted on campus’, ‘Sex slave trafficking in the US is
on the rise’, ‘Another Hollywood celebrity
reveals shocking truth about childhood abuse’ or ‘Young woman shot and killed because she finally decided to tell her
mother that the father of her child, is actually the mother’s boyfriend’,
maybe these breaking news updates don’t bother you at all but there are a few
people out here who would like to try and make a difference.
Second to
parents, educators have the most contact with our children…so we need you. Those
who oversee our youth during extra-curricular activities, (sports, girl/boy
scouts, visual/performing arts, youth leadership programs, ect… we need you. Abuse
is not deterred by one’s religious affiliation and neither are we, so to all religious
youth leaders, youth choir directors and what not…we need you. College (health
and safety, fraternity, sorority, student union or community outreach) leaders…we
need you.
Local social
service agencies; you are hereby put on notice. What happens if the message,
(G.O.ME!) gets out and suddenly a wave of youth and young adults feel empowered
and begin to flood your phone lines for help? G.O.ME! will encourage them to
speak up and speak out and seek ‘Professional’
assistance. That’s where you come in. Someone suggested to me that they would
inform the child to first tell the parent(s). Suppose the parent is responsible
for the abuse? Then what? That’s why, WE NEED YOU.
Again, this
is a FREE event and refreshments will be provided by the Leading Ladies
Christian Ministry. Who are the ‘Leading Ladies’? Remember that old lady in
your neighborhood or in your church when you were little that told everything
you did? The one who would come outside in that tattered robe and break up
fights, drag you by the ear and give you a spanking all the way home then tell
your parents where you were, what you were doing, why she spanked you and then invite
your mother to her church revival? The same lady who made sure you had a
quarter to put in the collection plate right before she threatened to hit you
upside the head for not paying attention in church? The same lady who cooked
and delivered chicken noodle soup to your family when everybody got sick?
Reminded you that it wasn’t safe to play in the street? Gave you money and a
card when you finally graduated from school…then gave you a little extra when
she found out that you were going to college? Well, she’s back with
reinforcements. These ladies are committed in their faith and believe in
charity. Sort of like Mary and Martha; they love God but don’t expect them to
just sit around and do nothing.
Not too late to register via
See you on the 31st!!!!!!!!!!